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under eye bags | Types, Causes, and Best Ways to Treat Them


Mahlagha Homayouni


January 22, 2022


Anyone can get bags under their eyes after a late night or a good weep. However, for others of us, the bags remain long after the tears have dried.

Some people notice the bags as bloated and bulging. Others merely see them as folds of extra skin beneath the eyes.

Under-eye bags are usually not a cause for concern, but they might make you feel  bad about your appearance. They may also indicate the presence of some unhealthy behaviors that you should consider changing.

Under-eye bags

Bags under the eyes can be caused by a variety of factors.

You are not alone if you have ever pondered what produces those unsightly bulges. Let’s take a look at some of the most prevalent causes of under-eye bags.


skin assessment

Chapter 1

Problems with sleep

Fluids gather in the tissue beneath your eyes while you sleep.

Sleep deprivation can cause your blood vessels to bleed and mingle with the fluids in your eyes, resulting in dark circles.

Allergies and sinus issues

Allergies, in addition to clogging your nose, induce swelling in sinus tissue, which can manifest as puffiness under your eyes.

Tobacco use

Tobacco’s nicotine interrupts your natural sleep rhythms, causing fluids to gather beneath your eyes. Smoking also creates chemicals that reduce skin suppleness.

Under-eye bags

We will now go through each of these problems in further detail.

First, we will look at sleeping problems.

Dark circles beneath the eyes are common after a bad night’s sleep, as every sleep-deprived person with a mirror knows.

Sleep deprivation has been shown to influence all aspects of health, including mental processes and coordination, so it’s no surprise that it can also affect your eyes.

Sleep deprivation alters a variety of face features that observers associate with exhaustion, according to our research. Sleep deprivation can thus be detected by a series of facial expressions. Droopy/hanging eyelids, angry eyes, dark bags under the eyes, and pale skin appear to be signs of both sleep deprivation and weariness. Furthermore, there was a link between being tired and appearing depressed. All of the indicators that were linked to looking tired were impacted by sleep loss.

Many specialists believe there is a link between a lack of sleep and the appearance of dark circles or bags under your eyes. This is because lack of sleep causes blood and fluid to accumulate around the eyes.

The skin around your eyes is different. Because the skin is thinner, the blood vessels are closer to the surface. Your blood vessels dilate when you don’t get enough restful sleep at night.

This increases blood flow, and because the skin behind your eyes is thinner, the dark tint induced by the increased blood volume is more visible here.

To put it another way, lack of sleep creates dark circles. Eye bags, or a puffy, swollen appearance of the under-eye area, can also be caused by it. When fluids leak into the skin, this can happen

Sleepy eyes are frequently dry eyes. Your eyes require a steady supply of tears to function properly, which is why blinking is so crucial. Insomnia hinders necessary fluid circulation to the eyes. That fluid both cleans and renews the eyes—staying awake for an unusually long time is detrimental to eye health.

You’ve had a good night’s sleep, yet you still have undereye bags in the morning, and you’re not sure why. Apart from a lack of sleep, the food you eat and enjoy can also be the cause.

What foods produce bags under the eyes?


You can begin to grasp the effects salt can have on your body if you have ever consumed salty meals and experienced eye problems as a result. You can prevent the occurrence of eye bags by reducing the amount of salt in your diet.

Under-eye bags

Even if you don’t add any additional salt, your lunch could have approximately 2,000 milligrams of sodium, which is more than the daily limit

your body will retain water to compensate for the elevated sodium levels, which might result in eye bags.

Fast food is one of the eight foods that cause swollen eyes.

Tomatoes are a nightshade plant, which means they contain solanine. Inflammation and puffiness are documented side effects of solanine. So, if you’re prone to swollen eyes, try eliminating tomatoes from your diet. If your swollen eyes go away, you’ve found the source of the problem.


Another nightshade vegetable with solanine. It hasn’t been scientifically shown to cause eye bags, but if you see a difference after eliminating it from your diet for three weeks, it could be the culprit.

Under-eye bags

Sugar is one of the most inflammatory foods known to man. It causes inflammation throughout the body, but it is particularly evident around the eyes because the skin there is thin and prone to swelling. Additionally, restricting or fully avoiding sugar has numerous health benefits

The sodium used in the canning process

adds a lot of sodium to canned foods like chickpeas and black beans. This can cause a variety of health problems, including puffy and swollen eyes. As a result, properly rinse them before eating or cooking them to remove any excess sodium.

Your body requires sodium for a variety of activities, including maintaining adequate fluid balance.

Chapter 2

Kidney problem

The kidneys are one of the most vital organs in the body, serving vital tasks. You may have assumed that the signs of kidney difficulties are clear; however, this is not the case, and most of the symptoms are imperceptible, which makes them dangerous because the condition may be too advanced for the individual to recognize and begin treatment. Kidney disease is a quiet disease that, if neglected, can result in long-term disability or even death

Your kidneys are your body’s primary fluid sensors. They determine the amount of salt in your body and hold or release water accordingly. When your salt levels are high, your kidneys send a signal to your body to retain water. Because the skin behind your eyes is so thin, this can apply to the area beneath your eyes..

Under-eye bags

The kidneys are in charge of cleansing our bodies of waste products, and when they are damaged, their ability to do so is compromised. “When the kidneys are unable to operate effectively, their ability to complete the filtration process declines, causing the protein to escape into the urine rather of being retained in the body.” “Loss of protein in the body causes the storage of fluids and minerals such as calcium and phosphate around the eyes, causing puffiness.”


If you use cosmetics too often, bacteria and fungi can quickly proliferate and harm your eyesight. Cosmetics for the eyes and the skin of any kind should be thrown away and changed according to the manufacturer’s directions. For example, mascara normally has a 3-month expiration date, after which you should discard it and replace it with another mascara. You can read the manufacturing date and expiration date written on the box to find out how long each product is valid.

Clean your brush and other accessories regularly to avoid infections and eye injury.

Under-eye bags

Allergies can cause eye problems in some people. Nickel, iron oxide, and preservatives, and fragrance compounds are all common allergies in cosmetics.

Take caution not to mix up the terms “hypoallergenic” and “hypoallergenic.” This label does not ensure that the product will cause you to become sensitized. To ensure that you are not allergic to new cosmetics, try them out once to ensure that you are not allergic to them, then buy them and use them for a long time.


Stress impairs eyesight by stimulating the stress response, often known as the sympathetic nervous system. Chronic stress and worry cause your body to retain excessive quantities of adrenaline. Adrenaline can cause pressure to build up behind the eye.

Elevated cortisol levels, along with increased adrenaline levels, are linked to stress-related visual impairments. Cortisol, sometimes known as the “stress hormone,” is a hormone that the body produces in response to stress. This hormone is produced by the body in reaction to stress and has an impact on blood pressure, breathing, and muscle tension. Cortisol overproduction can impair blood flow between the eyes and the brain, resulting in vision issues.

Stressors that induce vision issues

Various sorts of stress might cause eyesight impairment. There is a link between visual symptoms and the following medical conditions:


Long-term stress (excessive stimulation)

Stress in general

Extreme stress

Conversion disorder (due to repressed emotions)

Emotional exhaustion

When the causes of your stress are addressed and the tension subsides, the symptoms of stress-related vision loss usually subside as well. If you have stress-related vision loss and no other illnesses or medical symptoms, addressing any sort of stress will assist your body relax and reduce your stress reaction.

Reduce your anxiety.

The key to treating stress-induced visual disorders is to limit your exposure to stress. If you are experiencing an active stress response, take efforts to relax and enable your body to rid itself of the adrenaline rush. Your body should rest for at least 20 minutes to allow your vision to return to normal.

If your eyesight difficulties are caused by chronic stress, it is critical that you make changes in your daily life and employ stress-reduction tactics to relieve yourself of the detrimental consequences of stress.

Some of the reasons described above, such as diets, sicknesses, lack of sleep and cosmetics, are all causes of bags under the eyes.

Chapter 3

How to get rid of bags under eyes using natural methods?

To know how to get rid of puffiness beneath the eyes, you must first understand the causes. This will allow you to appropriately treat the condition. Fortunately, there are a variety of approaches to dealing with eye bags.

Use tea bags

Tea isn’t only for drinking. Caffeinated tea bags can be used beneath your eyes to help with dark circles and bags.

Caffeine in tea includes potent antioxidants and may enhance blood flow to the skin. It is also supposed to defend against UV rays and maybe slow down the aging process.

Under-eye bags

Researchers have lauded green tea in particular for its possible anti-inflammatory benefits, as demonstrated in one study.

To accomplish this, first:

tea bags, steeped for 3 to 5 minutes

Allow the tea bags to chill for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.

Squeeze off any excess liquid and apply it to your under-eye area.

Allow the tea bags to sit for 15 to 30 minutes.

Apply a cold compress.

Throw away those expensive creams. Relief from eye bags may be as simple as making a cold compress using things you already have on hand. Applying ice to the affected area might cause blood vessels to contract fast, providing immediate relief.

Although you may buy a cold compress from a store, do-it-yourself approaches can be just as effective.

Under-eye bags

Some do-it-yourself choices include:

a cold teaspoon of chilly cucumber a damp towel a bag of frozen vegetables

Wrap the compress in a soft cloth before applying it to keep your skin from becoming too cold. The compress just needs to be applied for a few minutes to produce results.

Use a neti pot to clear your sinuses.

Some people swear by using a neti pot to erase under-eye bags and dark circles. A neti pot is a gadget that you fill with saltwater (normal saline). You insert the spout into your nose and use it to irrigate your sinuses, eliminating mucus and other debris.

To accomplish this, first:

Fill your neti pot halfway with a saltwater solution (1/2 teaspoon salt in 1 cup water). Heat the water until it dissolves, then let it cool to body temperature before using. Warm or lukewarm water is ideal for comfort.

Tilt your head to the side and look over the sink. Place the pot’s spout in the upper nostril, which is now closer to the ceiling.

While slowly pouring the solution into the nose, breathe through your mouth. The solution should be able to drain into the opposite nostril.

Rep with your head turned in the opposite direction.

Use filtered, distilled, or otherwise sterile water to rinse your pot after each use.

Before storing the pot, allow it to air dry.

Neti pots can be found for a reasonable price on the internet. If you want to try this approach at home, make sure you make your saltwater solution with distilled or sanitized water. You can also use cooled-to-a-safe temperature boiled tap water.


Keep yourself hydrated.

Water accounts for roughly 60% of your body weight. As a result, it’s not surprising that dehydration might cause under-eye bags. Increasing your water consumption should help.

How much is sufficient? According to experts, men should drink about 13 cups of fluids every day, while women should drink about 9 cups.

Water, on the other hand, is a calorie-free option. Consider sparkling fluids, flavored waters, or fruit-infused water. Herbal decaffeinated tea, hot or cold, is another wonderful option.

Take an antihistamine if you’re suffering from allergies.

Puffy, dark circles beneath your eyes might be caused by allergies. You can also notice redness or itchy, watery eyes. Your immune system’s response to something irritating it, such as allergens, causes this reaction.

If you think your under-eye bags are caused by allergies, talk to your doctor about using OTC allergy drugs. The following are some examples of brands:

Antihistamines can be purchased online, such as Benadryl, Zyrtec, and Claritin.

It’s also a good idea to stay away from allergies if at all feasible.

Allergens can be found in personal care goods such as soaps, cosmetics, and hair dyes. If you’re having problems figuring out what’s causing your reaction, keep a record to discover what substances or other factors are causing it. If this is a persistent issue, consult your doctor about allergy testing.

Include retinol cream in your daily routine.

You may have used creams before, but focusing on certain ingredients is essential. Retinol creams have been used to treat a wide range of skin conditions, including:

Acne, psoriasis, and some malignancies

This component is related to vitamin A and is available in cream, gel, or liquid form.

Under-eye bags

How does retinol assist with eye bags? When applied to the skin, this substance can help with collagen shortage. Lower quantities of retinol may be found in various over-the-counter medications, but higher lotions require a prescription from your dermatologist.

Retinol is typically applied to the skin once a day, roughly a half hour after washing your face. If you’re pregnant, don’t use retinol lotions or take extra vitamin A.

Make use of   lightening  products.

Hydroquinone is a chemical found in skin lightening treatments. The synthesis of melanin in the skin is inhibited by this substance. This can aid in the reduction of dark bags and under-eye circles.

2 percent hydroquinone is found in several over-the-counter creams, gels, and lotions. Higher concentrations are available only with a dermatologist’s prescription. To see long-term results, you’ll need to utilize these products on a daily basis.

Hydroquinone-based skin-lightening lotions can be found online.

It’s vital to remember that when skin is exposed to sunlight, hydroquinone’s beneficial benefits are reversed, therefore you should only use it at night. While utilizing skin whitening solutions, some persons experience dryness, inflammation, and other minor skin concerns. If you experience an allergic response, stop using it.

Every day, wear sunscreen.

Using sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s rays can help with a variety of dermatological disorders, including:

skin cancer discoloration due to premature aging

As a result, applying sunscreen to your under-eye bags and dark circles may be beneficial.

Under-eye bags

Everyone should use sunscreen, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Broad-spectrum UVA and UVB light protection is essential. Choosing a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher that is also water-resistant is also a good idea. Reapply as needed or as indicated by the manufacturer’s instructions. Invest in a daily face moisturizer with an SPF of 30 or higher.


Remove your makeup before going to bed.

Improving your nighttime routine may also aid in the prevention of bags beneath the eyes. It’s very crucial to wash your face every night before going to bed.

There are a variety of reasons why you should not sleep with your makeup on. To begin, if you go to bed with mascara or other eye makeup on your eyes, you risk:

If you irritate them, they will have an allergic reaction.

Under-eye bags

become infected and experience redness, puffiness, or other symptoms

Some experts believe that failing to wash your face can result in wrinkles or other skin damage. What do you mean by that? You expose your skin to free radicals when you sleep in makeup. This has the potential to cause oxidative stress, which can cause accelerated aging.

While sleeping, keep your head up.

While sleeping, try raising your head with extra pillows. The use of two or more pillows should be enough. What is the mechanism behind this? Elevating your head when sleeping helps to minimize the accumulation of fluid in your lower eyelids, which causes eye bags.

Under-eye bags

If propping up your head strains your neck or you’re having trouble falling asleep, consider elevating the entire top end of your bed by a few inches. You can place bricks under the bedposts or purchase special bed risers designed for this reason.

Get at least eight hours of sleep if possible.

Aside from how you sleep, the amount of sleep you get is also a factor. Although lack of sleep is unlikely to induce under-eye circles, it might make your complexion appear lighter. As a result, any shadows or dark circles you have may become more visible.

The average adult should receive seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

If you’re having difficulties falling asleep, Mayo Clinic suggests trying the following tips:

Make a sleep schedule, such as a regular bedtime and wake-up time.

Caffeinated beverages and foods should be avoided 6 to 12 hours before bedtime.

Avoid alcoholic beverages before going to bed.

Under-eye bags

Two hours before bedtime, finish all meals and snacks.

All hard exercise should be completed a couple hours before bedtime.

One hour before bedtime, turn off televisions, cell phones, and other electrical devices.

Increase your collagen intake by eating more collagen-rich foods.

The muscles and tissues that support your eyelids decrease as you become older. This implies that your skin, including the fat around your eyes, may begin to sag.

Vitamin C supplementation can help your body absorb more hyaluronic acid. This important acid is found in the body naturally, although the amount stored decreases as one gets older.

Vitamin C and amino acid-rich foods can also aid collagen formation by increasing hyaluronic acid levels, resulting in better skin.

Vitamin C can be found in the following foods:


red peppers


Brussels sprouts



Consume additional iron-rich meals as well.

a lack of iron Anemia refers to a deficiency of red blood cells in the blood.

These cells are in charge of transporting oxygen to the body’s tissues. Dark bags beneath the eyes and even pale skin are signs of iron insufficiency. Other signs and symptoms include:

extreme exhaustion

frigid fingers and toes

nails that are brittle

It’s a good idea to see your doctor if you feel you’re anemic. A simple blood test will be used by your doctor to determine this. To get back on track, you may need to take special iron supplements. In mild cases, boosting your iron intake through your food may assist.

Foods high in iron include:

red meat, pork, and poultry



leafy green veggies, like kale and spinach

raisins, apricots, and other dried fruits

iron-fortified foods, like cereals, breads, and pastas


Give up smoking.

Tobacco use depletes your body’s stocks of vitamin C, which is crucial for the formation of healthy collagen in your skin. You may have wrinkles, discoloration, and even under-eye bags and dark circles if you smoke.

Under-eye bags

Quitting smoking can also assist with a variety of other health problems. You can add years to your life, remove stains from your teeth, and lower your risk of getting diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some malignancies. In the first several weeks after give up smoking , you may experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms

These symptoms should disappear in 10 to 14 days.

Saffron, cardamom, and cinnamon

The combination of cardamom, cinnamon, and saffron is one of the most effective chemicals used in traditional medicine to alleviate puffiness under the eyes.

Cold and wetness of the body can sometimes produce puffiness beneath the eyes; to avoid this problem, consume less colds at night. This tea has a warming flavor and can be used to reduce puffiness beneath the eyes. Pour one gram of saffron into a basin holding four to ten glasses of boiling water, one gram of saffron, and leave it to brew for thirty to sixty minutes.

Under-eye bags

Pour this delectable tea into a glass, top with two tablespoons of honey, and sip. To achieve the desired outcomes, drink this tea once or twice a day for several weeks.

Cucumber mask for the treatment of bags under the eyes:

Ingredients: 1 apple slice, 1 cucumber slice, 1 tbsp almond oil

Refrigerate the apples and cucumbers for 5 hours to allow them to chill. It will boost the anti-inflammatory properties of your face.

Under-eye bags

Then, cut both ingredients and combine them with the almond oil until they form a dough.

Close your eyes and rub the position with it.

Rest for 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

The greatest home cure for treating bags under the eyes is tomato mask:

Tomatoes have the ability to clear the skin.


1 tablespoon tomato juice

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Combine tomato juice and lemon juice.

Apply this mixture gently on puffy eyes; after 10 minutes, rinse with water; repeat twice a day.

Mask made of egg and glycerin Prescription for natural medicine to alleviate bags under the eyes:



1 gram of glycerin

Mix the egg whites with the liquid glycerin until they are somewhat white. Rub the mixture on the affected area. Rinse with warm water after 5 to 8 minutes.

Bags under the eyes treated with an Indian iris mask and milk:

This mask can be used to reduce puffiness under the eyes. If you have dry skin, use milk, and if you have oily skin, use low-fat milk.


1 1/2 cups Indian iris, or the same amount as papaya

half a cup milk

In a blender, combine Indian iris and milk to produce a paste, then apply it directly or with a cotton ball beneath the eyes. Wash with water after 15 minutes. This should be done once a week.

Chapter 4

Eye bag removal without surgery

People may believe that surgery is the only way to get rid of eye bags, but there are several other treatments available, some of which are less intrusive than others.

If you want to get rid of your eye bags without surgery, talk to a cosmetic professional about the following procedures:


To minimize the appearance of eye bags, microneedling employs a technique known as collagen induction therapy (CIT).

Under-eye bags

CIT causes the cells in the body to create more collagen and elastin. These are the proteins that smooth and tighten the skin.

Chemical peels

Chemical peels accelerate skin regeneration by using diverse formulations of botanical or natural acids, resulting in fewer wrinkles and smoother skin. They work by eliminating the skin’s damaged outer layers, tightening and firming it.

Treatment with a laser

Heat-producing lasers are used by therapists to induce skin cell regeneration. The skin’s outer layer is removed, and collagen formation is stimulated, thanks to the brief, concentrated light beams. The skin grows firmer and smoother as it recovers.

Fillers that can be injected

Injectable fillers may be preferred by certain persons. These are only for a short time.

To conceal eye bags and ease the transition from the lower lid to the cheek, a therapist can inject filler under and around them.

Chapter 5

How to get rid of bags under eyes using medical procedure

A surgeon’s goal while doing a lower blepharoplasty treatment is to remove extra under-eye tissue that creates eye bags.

The steps of an eye bag surgery technique are usually as follows:

An eye bag surgery can be performed under local or general anesthetic by a surgeon.

An incision, or cut, is usually made directly below the lower eyelashes or on the inside of the lower eyelid by the surgeon. The extra skin or fat tissue will subsequently be removed.

Closing: The wound will be closed with stitches or glue by the surgeon. If stitches are used, the person must have them removed within a week following the procedure.

As the swelling and bruises lessen, the procedure’s outcomes will gradually become obvious.

People who have eyelid surgery are frequently discharged the same day, with detailed instructions on how to care for themselves. Lower-eyelid blepharoplasty is commonly performed as an outpatient operation with sedation and local anesthetic. In other circumstances, the surgeon will instead choose general anesthesia.

In the days following your surgery, you can expect some edema, bruising, and eye dryness. Most patients notice a considerable reduction in edema and bruising after 10 to 14 days.

Eyelid surgery requires a six-week or longer recuperation period.

Chapter 6

Prevention tips for avoiding baggy eyes in the future

The causes of this disease, as well as natural and surgical treatments, are discussed in detail above.

The second critical item to consider is how to avoid this difficulty.


If you didn’t know, your lifestyle choices have an impact on the appearance and feel of your skin. Overeating salty meals, as previously stated, can cause bags under the eyes. If you limit your salt consumption, your skin (as well as your overall health) may benefit.


It’s usual practice to cover oneself in sunscreen from head to toe and to keep your SPF away from your eyes. You don’t want to deal with stinging, burning eyes, so it’s understandable. This does not, however, remove the need for sun protection in that location. If you want a quick fix, look for an eye cream that contains SPF. Don’t forget your sunglasses—aside from protecting you from UV damage, they can also help avoid bags under your eyes.

Under-eye bags


Nowadays, there is a mask for every occasion. Face, hair, lips, and even eyes are all affected! If you’re wondering why so many masks are required, it’s because there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. When it comes to bags under the eyes, you’ll want to use a mask that’s specifically designed for the area. Eye masks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, covering everything from just under your eyes to your full eye area (including up to the brow bone)


There is no rule that says eye cream should only be used by people with mature skin. It’s best to start using it as soon as possible to help retain a youthful appearance. Choose a formula that will hydrate your skin while also reducing the appearance of puffy under-eye bags.

Under-eye bags


What is the real cause of under eye bags?

“The most common cause of under-eye bags or puffiness is natural aging,” says Shaun Desai, M.D., a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Johns Hopkins Center for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. “Older skin becomes too lax and tends to fall or wrinkle.

Are eye bags permanent?

There are a number of methods — both natural and medically prescribed — that people use to get rid of, or lessen the appearance of, dark circles under their eyes. Although not all of these treatments are permanent, with maintenance and consistency they will help reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Why won't bags under my eyes go away?

Drink less alcohol—Reduce the look of under-eye bags by reducing the amount of alcohol you consume. Even better, drink water instead, which can help smooth the skin beneath your eyes. Improve your diet—Try to lower your salt intake. It may help reduce the puffiness under your eyes, and it's better for your heart.

What Vitamin Are you lacking if you have dark circles under your eyes?

Vitamin deficiencies, including vitamin B12, E, K and D, have been associated with dark circles. 4- Volume Loss: Hollowness or the sunken appearance of the eyelids is the final primary cause of dark circles.

Can oversleeping cause eye bags?

Can oversleeping cause eye bags? Fatigue. Sleep deprivation or even oversleeping can enhance the darkness under the eyes. Not getting enough sleep can cause the skin to go pale which allows the darkness to appear more pronounced, and can also cause a build-up of fluid under the eyes. Oversleeping can also cause eyes to appear puffy.