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Skincare tips | Tricks recommended by dermatologists to keep skin smooth


Mahlagha Homayouni


October 22, 2021


Dermatologists’ Choice

The professionals discuss the guidelines they’ve learnt and suggested throughout the course of their careers in this article. These aren’t your typical skincare tips; they’re guidelines dermatologists have learnt and passed on to patients throughout the course of their careers. For instance, when and where to use sunscreen (answer: everywhere and always), how to layer your skincare products, and why chemical peels could be a good idea. Reading this article is recommended for those who want to get skincare tips from dermatologists.

Skincare tips

Keeping Skin Smooth Still Matters

We can not find anyone who does not want to have flawless skin. Having smooth and clear skin is the dream of all of us. Manufacturers have also taken advantage of the opportunity to market their expensive creams and lotions. These products can improve the appearance of the skin to some extent if they are of very good quality, but a very important point to pay attention to is that if you want to have smooth and flawless skin, you should not only pay attention to external factors, But you also have to consider the internal factors.

To solve your skin problems, you must first determine which of these factors (external or internal factors) has caused them (Make your skin unhappy). In this article we are going to give you doctors’ skincare tips for having better skin, because keeping skin smooth still matters.


skin assessment

Chapter 1

Skincare Tips

Dermatologists are not only helpful when you have pimples and wrinkles. You should see a qualified dermatologist several times a year so that he or she can diagnose any skin changes before they become a bigger problem and help you with treatment. People do not pay attention to the fact that skin cancer can cause death. Therefore, skin care should be a priority for all of us. Seeing a dermatologist for your own sake is the first and the most important skincare tips that you should pay attention to.

Skincare Tips

Use a high SPF sunscreen

Sunlight can cause many problems, including loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles, age spots, fine lines and sagging skin. You must have heard a lot that you should use sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. You should do this even when you are at home, as sunlight can pass through the window. Dermatologists recommend using an SPF 50 sunscreen every day.

Sunscreen protects against hazardous illnesses like skin cancer. Due to skin exposure, about 85 percent of skin cancer patients are exposed to UV radiation. Melanoma skin cancer is on the rise, according to published statistics, and the major causes of melanoma in persons with a history of sunburn include sun exposure. Because sunshine and UV radiation are the primary causes of wrinkles and freckles on the skin, sunscreens may also be considered the most powerful anti-aging treatments for the skin.

What does SPF (Sun Protection Factor) in sunscreen mean?

You’ve probably seen the term SPF in the news or on the back of a sunscreen bottle. SPF, or sun protection factor, is a term that refers to the amount of protection provided by the sun. According to studies, SPF 30 sunscreens block up to 97 percent of damaging UV radiation, while SPF 50 sunscreens block up to 98 percent.

Skincare Tips

As a result, physicians believe that using a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 is suitable for the skin. Maria Sharapova, the world’s best-known female tennis player, prefers sunscreens with an SPF of 15 to 30.

SPF 30 is said to be twice as efficient as SPF 15. This isn’t the case, and the assumption is incorrect. You should know that SPF 15 only protects your skin from one-fifth of the sun’s harmful rays, but SPF 30 protects your skin from 97 percent of UVB radiation. Sunscreens with 50 SPF, on the other hand, block 98 percent of UVB rays from reaching the skin.

When purchasing sunscreen, be sure the SPF is appropriate for your needs and that the formulation has been well researched. Consider the date of expiration when purchasing sunscreen from a seller. Many sunscreens only protect your skin from UVA rays, but harmful UVB rays can still cause skin damage. Pay attention to the following to understand the difference between UVA and UVB:

  • UVB radiation from the sun create sunburn by damaging the skin’s outer layers
  • UVA rays destroy the skin’s DNA and produce wrinkles and premature ageing
  • UVA rays are a leading cause of skin cancer and skin disorders
  • Wrinkles are the result of skin cell DNA damage and accelerated ageing

We suggest you read this article as well: 10 Ingredients You Need to Include in Your Skincare Routine

Use a facial cleansing brush

A face brush encourages dead skin cells to exfoliate more quickly, resulting in increased collagen production and, over time, tighter skin. Additionally, it eliminates any oil or debris that may be clogging pores, allowing medicine to permeate the skin more effectively. As a result, dermatologists recommend using a face cleansing brush as one of your skincare tips.

Here are some cleaning-brush skincare tips for rookies:

  • As a preventative precaution, apply a face wash containing acne treatments like salicylic or glycolic acid before you use your brush for the first time
  • Incorporate the brush gradually into your daily routine. At start, use it once or twice a week and gradually increase your usage. Normal skin types can use it on a daily basis, while individuals with more sensitive skin should only use it once or twice a week.
  • What are the most typical breakout locations? Because they have a lot of gland activity, your temples, cheeks, and chin are the places to look
  • After cleaning, apply any topical medicines you may be on, then moisturizer and SPF.

Eat foods that contain polyphenols

Fighting the inflammation that causes pimples and wrinkles is the first step to having healthier and better skin. To eliminate inflammation, you should eat anti-inflammatory foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols. These compounds are found in fruits, vegetables, plants, nuts and seeds. Try adding these foods to your diet to relieve skin inflammation. Eating healthy foods for having smooth skin is always one of the powerful skincare tips that dermatologists suggest.

Polyphenols are a category of antioxidants that number in the thousands. According to Deanne Mraz-Robinson, M.D., of the Connecticut Dermatology Group, you may get them naturally in wine, chocolate, fruits like grapes and pomegranates, vegetables, and green tea. Tannins (found in wine and tea), ellagic acid (found in fruits like pomegranates), and anthocyanins are all members of this large antioxidant family (found in red onions and grapes).

According to dermatologists, polyphenols naturally shield plants from the sun’s powerful, harmful UV radiation. You can protect your internal cells from free radical damage (molecules destroyed by toxins that interfere with your body’s cells) by eating polyphenol-rich foods, which can help you live longer and fight off illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

Skincare Tips

Polyphenols, on the other hand, are effective skincare agents. Polyphenols, when applied topically, can help heal and revitalize your skin. Polyphenols have been demonstrated in studies to protect skin from cancer and other kinds of UV damage.

Add β-Carotene-rich foods to your diet

Eating foods containing beta-carotene can be beneficial for the skin and promote skin health. This is because of their antioxidant effects. A 2012 study found that eating large amounts of antioxidant micronutrients, including beta-carotene, can help the skin fight the sun’s harmful UV rays and stay healthy and smooth.

Foods that are high in beta-carotene include green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, red and yellow bell peppers, peaches and peas. Beta-carotene is also found in vegetables and spices such as parsley, coriander, cayenne pepper, paprika and chili.

Eating beta carotene-rich foods, as one of the skincare tips, is recommended by dermatologists because of its many benefits:

  • Beta-carotene, along with vitamin E, reduces the risk of oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL), thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis
  • Beta-carotene helps fight cancer due to its antioxidant properties. In addition, it prevents the growth of cancer cells. Eating foods rich in beta-carotene reduces the risk of breast, colon, and lung cancers
  • Taking beta-carotene is good for the brain because it significantly delays cognitive aging. In addition, the mentioned compound can fight oxidative stress
  • Excessive consumption of beta-carotene-containing foods helps increase lung capacity and relieve respiratory diseases
  • Various studies have found that people who have enough beta-carotene in their bodies are less likely to develop diabetes and oral glucose intolerance
  • Another property of beta-carotene is the prevention of jaundice
  • Age-related macular degeneration is an eye disease in which the macula of the eye, which is responsible for central vision, begins to break down
  • Lack of beta-carotene and vitamin C are among the risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis. Getting enough beta-carotene is essential to prevent diseases
  • Beta-carotene prevents premature skin aging by acting as an antioxidant

Skincare Tips

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Do not rely on over-the-counter products

Many over-the-counter creams contain active ingredients, but the amount of active ingredients in them is usually low and does not help the skin much. So do not rely only on these products and consult a doctor to get products that are suitable for your skin.

When you think of seeing a dermatologist, you probably envision yourself leaving with a stack of prescriptions to complete. You’re right—doctors adore their prescriptions—but they’re also not opposed to a nice over-the-counter pharmacy selection.

Cleansers, moisturizers, and serums are among the most often used skincare products. In fact, most dermatologists will tell you that they prefer the remainder of their routine to be basic and mild because they utilize such powerful prescriptions. More costly does not always imply superior quality. Knowing where and when to spend your money is one of the skincare tips you should follow.

Cleansers and creams for the face can be purchased in a pharmacy. There are many of mild cleansers and high-quality moisturizers on the market. When it comes to actives that you want to work hard to prevent against or reverse harm, you should splurge on sunscreens, antioxidants, retinoids, and peptides.

Acne can not always be prevented

Changing your skincare routine does not always solve all your skin problems. Genetics play a very important role in the skin and it is these genetics that causes many of our skin problems. Although we can avoid certain stimuli by following a healthy lifestyle pattern, we have to accept the fact that many of us are genetically predisposed to pimples and acne.

So, do not be fooled by expensive products, because the problem is not always apparent and an internal factor may cause acne. If you have acne, try to see a dermatologist to solve your problem. The bottom line is that a beautiful complexion is as much a result of nurture as it is of nature. While we can’t change our parents, we can modify our skincare routine. The way we care for our skin has just as big of an influence on how it ages as our genes.

You should eat more vegetables than you think

To have smooth and clear skin, you should eat more salads and vegetables. Including fortified and plant-based foods in your diet is the best thing you can do for your skin. You can search the internet and find recipes for various and delicious salads.

Note that mayonnaise poses many problems for the health of the body and skin. So, make yourself a delicious and healthy homemade sauce with vinegar, olive oil and a little salt.

There is a scarcity of research on the greatest meals for glowing skin. Antioxidant-rich meals, on the other hand, appear to protect the skin. Consider the following meals that are good for your skin:

  • Berries
  • Carrots, apricots, and other yellow and orange fruits and vegetables
  • Tomatoes
  • Nuts
  • Salmon
  • Beans, peas and lentils
  • Spinach and other green leafy vegetables

On the other hand, some meals appear to be linked to skin deterioration. According to several studies, a diet heavy in processed or refined sugars, other carbs, and harmful fats accelerates the ageing of the skin.

Skincare Tips

Remember that many of the greatest foods for healthy skin are also excellent for your overall health. Concentrate on a healthy diet in general rather than specific foods for healthy skin. Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables. Choose dairy products that are low in fat or fat-free. Add nuts, seeds, and beans to your favourite dishes.

Avoid products that contain refined carbohydrates

Skincare tips are not always about what to eat but sometimes it refers to things that should be avoided. Sugars and refined grains that have been stripped of all bran, fibre, and nutrients, such as white bread, pizza dough, pasta, pastries, white flour, white rice, sweet treats, and many morning cereals, are examples of bad or simple carbs. They digest fast and have a high glycemic index, which produces dangerous blood sugar increases. They can also induce mood and energy swings, as well as fat accumulation, particularly around the midsection.

When you consume refined or simple carbohydrates, your bloodstream is inundated with sugar, causing an insulin spike to remove the sugar from your system. All of this insulin might make you hungry quickly after a meal, leading to a need for more sweet carbohydrates. This can lead to overeating, weight gain, and eventually insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. High-refined-carbohydrate and sugar-rich diets have also been related to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, hyperactivity, mental problems, and even teen suicide.

Skincare Tips

Cutting back on sweet snacks and fighting carb cravings may be a difficult challenge for many of us. Sugar is concealed in most of the processed food we eat, from soda, coffee, and fruit drinks to bread, spaghetti sauce, and frozen meals, in addition to apparent items like sugary snacks, desserts, and sweets.

However, cutting back on these diet saboteurs doesn’t mean you’ll be left hungry or that you’ll never enjoy comfort food again. The trick is to eat the correct carbohydrates. Complex, unprocessed, or “healthy” carbohydrates like vegetables, whole grains, and naturally sweet fruit breakdown more slowly, leading in more stable blood sugar levels and less fat buildup.

Hot water has many destructive effects on the skin

A hot shower is a great way to relax. But you should be aware that this is very harmful to your skin. Ceramides, lipids and cholesterol help to form the top layer of the epidermis, and hot water removes skin moisture and causes it to dry out. When lipids are lost, water can make the skin drier. So be careful that your skin does not come into contact with hot water.

Hot showers and baths can irritate the skin, producing redness, itching, and even peeling, comparable to a sunburn. They can also disturb the skin’s normal moisture balance, depriving you of the natural oils, lipids, and proteins that keep your skin healthy. Dry skin can make you more susceptible to illness and even cause an overproduction of oils to compensate for the lack of moisture. Showering in a cooler or lukewarm water a few times a week will help maintain skin moisturised and hair strong and glossy. Your water is too hot if your skin turns red after a bath or shower.

Skincare Tips

Spending less time in the tub will not only help your skin, but it will also save you money on water. Before your skin wrinkles like a prune, get out of the tub. You may be able to miss a complete daily shower on occasion, depending on circumstances such as your daily activity level, job, or season.

We suggest you read this article as well: 10 Skincare and Beauty Trends to Look Out For in 2020

Minimize the consumption of dairy products

As you know, diet plays an important role in causing pimples and acne. If you want to get rid of pimples, the first thing you need to eliminate from your diet is dairy products. Dairy products are high in sugar and fat, which are among the causes of pimples and acne. Reduce or eliminate these products from your diet as much as possible.

Many people have turned to rigorous diets to have clean skin, avoiding dairy, sweets, and caffeine are among skincare tips. Is there any proof that your diet has a negative impact on your skin, or is this just another skincare myth? Now, a new research adds to the growing body of data suggesting what you eat might have an impact on whether or not you break out. According to recent study presented at this year’s European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Congress in Madrid, persons with acne are significantly more prone to consume dairy products on a regular basis.

Researchers discovered that over half of acne sufferers ingested dairy products on a regular basis, compared to fewer than 40% of individuals who did not. They also discovered a link between the use of sweet beverages such as soda or juices and the consumption of meals such as pastries and chocolate.

The study didn’t prove that consuming sweets or dairy causes acne, but it did show that they are related. However, it was revealed that dairy proteins may change genetic information in the skin, causing irritation or affecting oil production, which might contribute to acne. Acne is said to afflict one out of every ten persons on the planet, and it has been shown that it affects 54 percent of all adult women at some time in their life.

Skincare Tips

Avoid tobacco

Smoking not only damages your lungs, it also damages your skin. Wrinkles are one of the most common skin problems caused by smoking. Avoid smoking to keep your body and skin healthy. Many of us find it difficult to acknowledge the long-term health consequences of our smoking habits. We make an effort to disregard the common dangers of lung cancer and heart disease.

The consequences are mostly imperceptible, and they are a part of a future we don’t want to consider. Smoking has traditionally been studied as a risk factor for internal harm. However, more recent research suggests that cigarette smoke has significant negative impacts on the skin, including skin ageing and cancer. That’s before we even consider nicotine! The skin, unlike other organs, is exterior, visible, tactile, and all over us.

If the idea of clear lungs and a strong heart isn’t enough to persuade you to quit smoking, the visible advantages for skin tone and health can surely help! Many people contemplate quitting smoking even if it isn’t for health reasons.

Skincare Tips

We are fascinated with skin as a sign of youth and vigour as a species. Skin that is saggy is despised. The appearance of crow’s feet (eye wrinkles) is generally despised. Both of these symptoms, as well as an uneven skin tone, are common among smokers. More visible blood vessels form red, spidery lines on the skin’s surface, making it seem yellow or grey.

The beauty industry constantly bombards us with advertisements for lotions and potions that claim to enhance skin tone and reverse deep wrinkles. In addition to the high cost of cigarettes, smokers may spend a lot attempting to repair the damage that cigarettes do to their skin. And that’s before you factor in health-care expenses! Quitting smoking, as one of the skincare tips, is a win-win decision.

Pay more attention to the food you eat

If you have skin problems ranging from dryness to pimples and acne, it is time to pay more attention to what you eat. Food intolerance manifests itself in the form of inflammation in various parts of the body. One of these common areas is the skin.

Skincare Tips

It’s no secret that the food we eat has an influence on our digestive system, our bacterial balance, and even our skin’s look. If you have skin problems like acne, you should pay just as much attention to your food as you do to your skincare routine. With the holidays approaching, it’s perfectly acceptable to abandon your diet in favour of a platter of home-cooked cuisine. But, before you go for a second serving of mashed potatoes and gravy, consider which foods may be harmful to your skin.

It’s natural for us to desire something we’ve been told we can’t have. The goal isn’t to deprive yourself of all of your guilty pleasures. Instead, it’s about taking the time to pay attention to the products and meals that might help us progress along our skincare journey.

While further study on the link between diet and skin problems like acne is needed, skincare experts agree that meals with a high glycemic index tend to irritate acne-prone skin. Foods with a high GI tend to raise blood sugar and inflammation, which might lead your body to produce more sebum, the greasy material that gets stuck beneath the skin and causes acne.

It’s also important to remember that making modest compromises when it comes to your beverage of choice at family dinners is a positive step. Drink water instead of soda or a sugary drink (like sweet tea) to wash down your meal.

Use a silk pillowcase

To have smooth and clear skin, you should pay attention to the material of your pillowcase. If you want your skin to be soft and supple every morning, having a silk pillowcase is a must. We put our face on a pillow for 6 to 10 hours every night, so choosing the right pillowcase is very important.

As the skincare cult expands and more individuals use serums and lotions regularly before bed, beauty aficionados are flocking to silk pillowcases. Although sleeping on silk isn’t exactly new (silk head wraps have long been used to protect time-consuming hairstyles), skincare fans have flocked to silk pillowcases as a method to avoid wrinkles and pimples. We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what sheets we sleep on, but we haven’t yet looked at specialty pillowcases. Using a silk pillowcase is one of the skincare tips that is recommended by doctors.

Skincare Tips

There are two reasons why a person would wish to convert from a cotton pillowcase to a silk pillowcase. One is that silk’s smooth surface is said to reduce the amount of friction that the skin is exposed to while sleeping, avoiding “sleep creasing” that you could notice on your cheek after a long night in bed.

Switching to a material that pulls less on the skin helps prevent morning wrinkles from becoming lifelong wrinkles, according to the hypothesis. The assertion isn’t entirely false. However, individuals who sleep on their side or stomach benefit the most from the reduced friction. Sleep on your back to prevent compression lines and squishing your face if you’re really concerned about wrinkles.

Silk has one extra benefit for those who engage in nighttime skincare. Because silk absorbs less moisture than cotton, it keeps your skin moisturized longer than percale cotton. For individuals with particularly dry skin, a little more hydration overnight might mean waking up with a less tight, dry face.

It is not necessary for everyone to use facial cleanser in the morning

Although washing your face at night is an important step in having smooth and clear skin, it is not necessary for everyone to do it in the morning. If you have good skin, wash your face at night with a cleanser or use a moisturizer. You do not have to do this again in the morning. Doing your routine excessively is not considered as one of the skincare tips, so be careful about what you are doing to your skin.

Eat more beans

Adding plant-based protein sources to the diet can help build good bacteria in the gut and fight inflammation. Consumption of half a cup of beans is important for the intestinal microbiome, which is essential for the beauty of the skin and the general health of the body. Beans are not the only type of legume that can keep skin fresh and vibrant. Use different types of beans in salads and soups to get the nutrients they contain.

Legumes have been a part of people’s diets all across the world since ancient times. There is ample evidence to suggest that humans in South America have been eating peanuts and lima beans for millennia. Soybeans and mung beans, among other legumes, have long been a staple in Asian cuisine. Lentils, chickpeas, and broad beans are all Middle Eastern natives.

Skincare Tips

This is why cooking with beans may help us learn about foreign food and introduce us to it. Black beans and black soybeans have a large amount of anthocyanin. Isoflavones, which have anti-aging effects, are abundant in soybeans. Eating foods rich in beans and legumes is among the skincare tips that recommended by doctors.

Pay special attention to pimples caused by exercise

The cause of all pimples is not the same. Exercise-induced pimples may require a completely different treatment plan than regular pimples. Exercise-induced pimple (acne) is usually caused by a type of yeast called pityrosporum, which lives in the pores of the skin. The use of anti-dandruff shampoo or Zinc pyrithione cleanser reduces the amount of this yeast.

Malassezia folliculitis, commonly known as Pityrosporum folliculitis, is a skin disease that causes outbreaks. It’s possible that it’s both common and underappreciated. It happens when a genus of yeast called Malassezia, which is found on your skin naturally, enters your hair follicles. People with this disease may mistakenly believe they have recurrent acne and attempt to treat it as if it were regular acne.

It’s simple to overlook or misdiagnose because of this. Pityrosporum folliculitis patients are more susceptible to develop additional diseases such as dandruff, commonly known as seborrheic dermatitis. Malassezia yeast is connected to both diseases.

Skincare Tips

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Eat sweet potatoes

Using retinol creams based on vitamin A is not the only way to take advantage of the benefits of this vitamin to have smooth and clear skin. Sweet potatoes, in addition to being delicious, also contain beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body. This vitamin has several properties for the skin, among which we can mention skin rejuvenation, treatment of pimples and acne by removing dead cells and brightening the skin.

When it comes to skincare tips, there has been a resurgence of interest in getting back to the basics. People are increasingly turning to natural and seasonal remedies to cure their skin problems, whether it’s tanning, ageing, or dullness. Since the dawn of time, Indian households have used handmade natural face masks.

The majority of face masks are prepared using fruits, vegetables, and herbs of your choice. But did you know that sweet potato, its tuber cousin, may also benefit your skin? It may be used to produce facial masks or just eaten by transforming it into various delicacies. Sweet potato gives your skin a natural shine while also making it smoother and younger.

Skincare Tips

Reduce your stress level

You know that stress has many negative effects on the skin. That’s why you should look for ways to help reduce stress. Stress accelerates the aging process of the skin and reduces the skin’s ability to repair itself. Exercises such as yoga and meditation help reduce stress. Eating a healthy diet can also help reduce stress.

Eat more fish

Fish contains healthy fats and therefore has many properties for the skin. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties. This keeps the cell lining moisturized, thereby brightening the skin.

Fish is high in nutrients and contains a wide range of skin-beneficial nutrients, including omega 3 fatty acids, selenium, zinc, vitamins A and D, and protein. While fish is good for cholesterol, heart health, and cognitive function, we’ll concentrate on the skin advantages.

Skincare Tips

Let’s take a closer look at what these aquatic creatures can do for a bright, healthy complexion. Selenium, found in fish, aids in the reduction of free radical damage to the skin. Selenium is an antioxidant that prevents damaging peroxide accumulation caused by free radicals. This makes skin more resistant to the symptoms of ageing.

Fish proteins also aid in the maintenance of good skin. Protein aids in the regeneration and repair of tissue in the body. This is fantastic news for skin, which is always in need of repair due to exposure to the environment and external stressors.

Furthermore, baking is preferable to frying. We all know that fried meals are bad for us, but another reason to avoid them is that they are cooked at a high temperature. AGEs, a free-radical byproduct that may harm the body and skin over time, can be increased by cooking foods at high temperatures for extended periods of time.

Vitamin C is on your side

Vitamin C is one of those tenaciously independent skincare components that also gets along (usually) nicely with others. When it comes to “what does vitamin C do for your skin,” we often wonder, “What doesn’t it do?”

Benefits of consuming vitamin C, as one of the skincare tips, in the form of face wash is that it can help to lighten dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C may be found in a range of skincare products. Cleansers, moisturisers, serums, and face scrubs are just a few examples. That is how adaptable it is. The purest and most active form of vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid.

Skincare Tips

Other names for ascorbyl palmitate and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate come to mind. These are vitamin C compounds that are kinder for delicate skin. When purchasing your next vitamin C skincare product, make sure to read the label. Ascorbyl palmitate is the type of ascorbyl found in the popular Clean & Clear® Lemon range.

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Your Skin Is Your Body’s Largest Organ

The brain and the heart are not the only internal organs in the body. One of them is something we wear on the outside. Adults carry 3.6 kilos and 2 square metres of skin on their bodies. This fleshy covering accomplishes far more than just keeping us looking presentable. We’d actually vanish if it weren’t for it.

The skin functions as a waterproof, insulating covering, protecting the body from temperature extremes, harsh sunlight, and hazardous substances. It also produces vitamin D, which is needed to convert calcium into strong bones, and it releases antimicrobial chemicals to prevent infection. Skin is also a large sensor with nerves that keeps the brain connected to the outside environment.

To have smooth and clear skin, you should follow a skincare routine according to your skin type. In this article, we talked about dermatologists’ skincare tips to have better and flawless skin. Follow these tips to keep your skin glowing and fresh.

Skincare Tips


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