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Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine | Best Routine for You and Your Babe


Mahlagha Homayouni


December 14, 2021


Your Pregnancy Skincare Routine

When you first became pregnant, you had no idea what kinds of skincare products were acceptable to use. Who knew having a kid would make you so enthusiastic about and mindful of everything you put into your body and on your skin? You’ve been a natural skincare enthusiast for a while, but this pregnant thing was new to you, and the issue of skincare products doesn’t usually come up during prenatal checkups. Even if you know to inquire about skincare products, your doctor may not be aware of all the substances to avoid. We thought we’d better share the best pregnancy safe skin care routine in the hopes of assisting you in making wise decisions.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

Dermatologists are the ideal experts to question about skincare, but don’t be scared to conduct your own research! Even while we choose natural and organic goods, this does not guarantee that they are safe to use during pregnancy. As a result, you turned to the internet to do your own research and make judgments that were both safe for yourself and babe. Given your lack of knowledge regarding pregnancy and skincare, we thought we’d better share our findings – through our best experts and dermatologists – in the hopes of assisting you in making conscious decisions.


skin assessment

Chapter 1

Pregnancy Changes the Whole Thing

Your skin will go through as many changes throughout pregnancy as the baby developing within you, from stretch marks and acne to itching and rashes. Here’s how to securely deal with them.

Have you seen any changes in your skin after becoming pregnant? Perhaps your previously dry skin has developed an oily sheen, or maybe your skin has become so sensitive that only the gentlest cleansers would suffice. Pregnancy may result in a variety of skin changes, such as melasma (skin darkening) and stretch marks, as well as increased sensitivity and acne.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

While it may be tempting to try everything in the skin care aisle to treat it, experts suggest sticking to moderate creams to avoid skin irritation and to protect your skin from absorbing any substances that might affect fetal development, such as retinoids. Along with the many other changes your body is going through as a result of pregnancy hormones, you’ll definitely notice some changes in your skin as well, including:

  • Stretch marks
  • Skin tags
  • Excess sebum
  • Flushed face
  • Melasma

A Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine for All Changes Above

Melasma may be obstinate and persistent long after the pregnancy is done. To help battle it, improve your sun protection game by wearing a hat that covers your face whenever feasible and applying sunscreen every two hours to your face.

Our dermatologist believes that there isn’t much you can do to prevent stretch marks except “trying to gain and lose weight carefully [and] moisturizing on a regular basis. The dermatologist suggests Bio Oil or Neutrogena Body Oil as moisturizers since they slide over skin more easily than lotions, but bear in mind that there is no scientific proof that they help prevent stretch marks.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

If you’d prefer to lessen the look of any stretch marks that have survived all of the moisturizing, there are further methods such as microneedling and lasers available after you’ve given child.

Stretch marks, on the other hand, are entirely normal and are the consequence of your skin expanding to accommodate your developing baby (and anybody, not just pregnant women, may have stretch marks—they’re a natural part of being human).

If you had moles before becoming pregnant, you might notice that they get darker and/or bigger throughout your pregnancy. This isn’t a reason for concern but be evaluated by a dermatologist as soon as possible if a mole is several colors, bigger than six millimeters, or there is a family history of skin cancer. During pregnancy, the ABCDEs of melanoma still apply.

Here’s what to watch out for (In alphabetical order to make it easier to remember):

  • Asymmetry
  • Border is irregular
  • Colour (multiple colours)
  • Diameter, larger than six millimeters
  • Evolving or changing

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Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine Concerns

With new changes come new worries, but with professional advice and a little caution, you can prevent these issues while keeping your skin care regimen intact throughout your pregnancy. So, what are the most common skin-care problems that come with pregnancy? There are two things to remember:

  • Your skin may be more sensitive than usual, and you may experience allergic reactions to skin care products, including both new products introduced to your routine and products you’ve been using for years
  • Products may be absorbed into your bloodstream through your skin, affecting the growth or development of your baby

While you can’t stop your skin from absorbing your skin care products (that’s the entire idea), you can make sure that the products you’re using are safe for both you and your baby if they make it all the way into your bloodstream (more on that in a minute).

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

Stick to moderate, fragrance-free skin care products if you detect increased sensitivity in your skin during pregnancy, and don’t try a number of different products all at once. If you want to test new products on your skin while you’re pregnant, do it one at a time and allow your skin time to acclimatize to each one before moving on to the next.

Products to Avoid in A Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

Some skin care products aren’t safe to use while pregnant, which comes as no surprise. Before we get into what is safe, it’s crucial to understand what to avoid in order to reduce the risk of bad responses. Because they may damage a baby when they enter the bloodstream or create irritation in delicate skin, some skin care products are considered dangerous to use while pregnant:

  • Retinol that is a kind of vitamin A. (products containing retinoids, typically used for acne and anti-aging)
  • Hydroquinone that is a skin-lightening agent
  • Salicylic acid in high dosages
  • Botox, fillers, and lasers
  • Microdermabrasion, peels, and exfoliation masks
  • Bath bombs and scented lotions
  • Aluminum chloride hexahydrate
  • Diethanolamine (DEA)
  • Formaldehyde
  • Toluene
  • Diazolidinyl Urea
  • Stearic Acid
  • Botulinum Toxin
  • Thioglycolic acid

Another thing to keep in mind is that just because a substance is accessible over the counter without a prescription doesn’t imply it’s safe to use during pregnancy. Always read the ingredients list when purchasing skin care products, regardless of where you buy. If you have any questions regarding a product or component, see your OB and dermatologist (if you have one).

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

Chapter 2

Products That should Add in A Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

So, what are your options? Don’t allow that list of items to avoid deter you from developing a pregnancy appropriate skin care routine that’s still safe for pregnancy—there are lots of skin care products out there that will help you combat acne and dryness while also keeping your skin clean and healthy:

  • Fragrance-free moisturizers and cleansers
  • Hyaluronic acid that is a moisturizer with pregnancy-safe anti-aging properties
  • Benzoyl Peroxide that is safe in limited dosages
  • Vitamin C Serums
  • Salicylic Acid IN LOW DOSES

Dermatologist’s Choice for Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Products

Sunscreen is essential whether you’re pregnant or not, but since your skin may be more vulnerable to UV damage during pregnancy, you’ll want to be extra careful with how you apply it. According to dermatologists, you don’t absolutely need to apply extra sunscreen. Still, it would help if you attempted to use it attentively because of the increased risk of having melasma (the skin-discoloring condition caused by pregnancy hormones).

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

Pregnant women should use sunscreen every morning with their regular moisturizer and every two hours if they plan to be outdoors for an extended amount of time. For example, if you’re planning long days at the beach or all-day treks, you may want to set the alarm on your phone that goes off every two hours.

However, there are several sunscreens available. Which ones are the most suitable for expectant mothers? Physical blockers (also known as mineral sunscreens) are preferred by experts over chemical sunscreens because the zinc oxide or titanium dioxide found in mineral sunscreens provide better sun protection, are less likely to irritate sensitive skin, and aren’t absorbed into the bloodstream like chemical sunscreens (oxybenzone, specifically, can be harmful to fetuses, so avoid it while pregnant). Doctors also suggest using sunscreens with at least an SPF of 30 and wide spectrum UVA and UVB protection.

Also read this article: Skin Type | Better to Know Your Skin Before Choosing Skincare Routine

Chapter 3

Safe Skin Care Routine After Pregnancy

Congratulations on finishing your pregnancy and getting ready to care for your new baby! Is it true, however, that if you want to breastfeed, you need still be careful about your skin care regimen and products?

Yes, in a nutshell. Most topical skin care products are safe when nursing as long as they are not used near the breast/nipple. However, since there is still a scarcity of study on the safety of using particular skin care products while nursing, it’s essential to be careful and avoid using superfluous items.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

Botox, retinoids, and hydroquinone (skin lightener) haven’t been investigated for safety while breastfeeding, so it’s best to avoid them completely when nursing. If you have any questions about whether a skin care product is safe to use while nursing, please see your OB or dermatologist.

Is It Safe to Use Perfumes During Pregnancy?

You have a natural glow as a result of your pregnancy. Now it’s time to pick a perfume that reflects your lovely, pregnant self! While wearing perfume is safe during pregnancy, you may be more sensitive to odors and discover that some scents make you feel queasy, light-headed, irritable, or more prone to headaches. To avoid as many needless symptoms as possible, keep your surroundings fragrance-free until you find certain aromas that make you feel good.

Because they are lighter and contain less alcohol than perfume, scented body spray and lotion are becoming more popular during pregnancy. Some smells, such as peppermint, ginger, and cardamom, may even aid nausea. Citrus smells have been reported to help relieve nausea in many pregnant women and are not overpowering, leaving a refreshed, invigorated, and tranquil sensation.

Sweet orange, neroli, and mandarin are among the most favored citrus smells among pregnant women. Lavender, rose, and chamomile are some more milder smells to try. You’ll be doing yourself a double favor if you look for massage lotions with these smells.

Bodysprays and lotions are not the same as essential oils. A concentrated, fragrant liquid secreted by plants is known as an essential oil. When applied to the skin, certain essential oils are hazardous and should not be used during pregnancy. You should talk to your health care provider and aromatherapist about using essential oils during pregnancy.

Is It Safe to Dye Hair During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding?

Permanent and semi-permanent hair colors do not include very hazardous ingredients. The majority of studies, albeit limited, indicate that coloring your hair while pregnant is safe. According to certain research, excessively high concentrations of the chemicals in hair colors may be harmful.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

These dosages, however, are enormous when compared to the little quantity of chemicals you could be exposed to while coloring your hair. Wait until after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to colour your hair, when the danger of chemical chemicals damaging the baby is substantially reduced. If you’re coloring your own hair, you may lower your risk even further by making sure you:

  • Wear gloves
  • Leave the dye as short as possible
  • Dye your hair in a well-ventilated room
  • Rinse your scalp thoroughly once the dye is applied

Highlighting your hair by applying the color solely to strands of hair minimizes the chance of infection. The chemicals are absorbed exclusively by your hair, not your scalp or bloodstream. Henna, a semi-permanent pure vegetable dye, is a safe option.

Keep in mind that pregnancy might have an impact on your hair’s natural state. For example, your hair may respond differently than normal to coloring or perming, or it may become more or less absorbent, frizzy, or unpredictable. It’s usually a good idea to do a strand test with the hair color or treatment you want to use beforehand. Seek guidance from your hairdresser.

During there is little information on hair treatments while nursing, it is regarded to be safe to colour your hair at this time. Because hair color chemicals enter your circulation in such little amounts, it’s unlikely that a substantial quantity will pass via your breast milk.

Is fake tan safe to use during pregnancy?

Another major concern for moms during pregnancy is whether a fake tan is safe or not. In this part of our pregnancy safe skin care routine, we are going to show whether you are allowed to the fake tans or not.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

Also read this article: Retinol vs retinoid | They Sound the Same, But There Are Differences

Fake tan creams and lotions are typically deemed safe to use throughout pregnancy. Spray tans, on the other hand, should definitely be avoided since the consequences of breathing the spray are unknown.

Dihydroxyacetone is the active component in artificial tan (DHA). This is a non-toxic chemical that combines with cells in the skin’s outer layer to generate melanoidin, a brown pigment (color). DHA isn’t absorbed into the body and can’t damage your kid since it doesn’t penetrate past the outer layer of skin.

Although there are no known hazards to your baby from using fake tans during pregnancy, you may have an adverse response. Because of changes in your hormone levels, your skin may become more sensitive than usual. If you do decide to use a fake tan, apply it on a tiny patch of skin first to determine if you have an allergic response.

In the United Kingdom, tanning tablets are illegal and should not be taken by anybody, especially pregnant women. They are high in beta-carotene or canthaxanthin, which are often used as culinary colorings but can be hazardous to an unborn infant. Hepatitis (liver disease) and retinal impairment (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye) are two more possible side effects.

Is it safe to use a sunbed when pregnant?

Pregnant women’s skin is frequently more sensitive than normal. If you use a sunbed while pregnant, your skin may be more susceptible to sunburn. UV rays, which are the same sort of damaging radiation found in sunshine, are emitted by sunbeds. Using a sunbed to get a tan is no safer than tanning in the sun. Using a sunbed might sometimes be more hazardous. Many sunbeds, for example, emit higher levels of UV radiation than the noon Mediterranean sun.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

Sunbed exposure may raise your chance of getting melanoma, the most dangerous kind of skin cancer. UV rays may cause your skin to age prematurely and burn. They may also harm your eyes by causing inflammation, conjunctivitis, and cataracts, especially if you don’t use goggles. Pregnancy makes the skin more sensitive, making it more prone to burn in the sun or while using a sunbed. Hormone fluctuations might also make you more prone to skin discoloration (coloration).

Chloasma is a dark, uneven patch of skin that may occur on your face. This might indicate that your skin will be more sensitive to UV radiation. The black areas are more likely to appear if you sunbathe or use a sunbed. Both you and your unborn baby are in danger of overheating if you are exposed to UV rays directly and for an extended period of time.

Chapter 4

5 Pregnancy Skin Care Brands Created by Moms

These five brands were developed by moms who were fed up with the absence of safe, efficient skin care for pregnant women and decided to do something about it. The skin care products you use become more crucial than ever while you’re pregnant. After all, you not only have insane sensitivity, a heightened sense of smell, and a bevy of unexpected skin concerns, but you also want to make sure the components are healthy for both you and your kid.

It’s not always simple to get the perfect lotions and oils, as these businesswomen will confirm. They started their own pregnant skin care brands after becoming frustrated with their inability to locate the safe and effective products they desired throughout their pregnancies. Take a look at these five incredible brands that will get you through pregnancy and beyond.

Belli Skincare

Belli is one of the most complete pregnancy skin care brands on the market, including fragrance-free, paraben-free, and phthalate-free products for expecting and new mothers. Their product line includes a variety of face skin care products that address anything from acne facial washes to spot treatment for ladies who don’t have the “pregnancy glow.” There are also body cleansers, lotions, oils, and an exfoliator to choose from.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine


Face cream, cooling body lotion, eye brightening cream, body scrubs, belly butter, and body stretch oil are among the many pregnant skincare items available at Basq. All of their products are built on the foundation of light scents, rich, fast-absorbing textures, and skin-strengthening ingredients.

Nine Naturals

Nine Naturals provides a variety of pregnant hair and body care products, including shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, belly butter, and deodorant. This is a must-try if you’re seeking pregnancy-safe hair products!

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Zoe Organics

Belly butter and belly oil, a refreshing oil to aid with morning sickness and weariness, and nipple balm are all part of their all-organic pregnant skin care range. Organic body washes, lotions, and oils for newborns, kids, and parents are also available at Zoe Organics.

Bee Maternal Organics

Organic prenatal skincare goods like stretch mark cream, stretch mark belly serum, and even a relaxing spray to soothe your anxiety, as well as postpartum treatments like nipple cream, peri spritz, and more are available.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine

Best Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine at Mahimo

It’s no secret that as we age, our skin changes. However, many women may be astonished to learn of the bizarre skin changes that accompany pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding. Hormonal fluctuations may put your body out of balance, resulting in breakouts and irritations where none previously existed.

Not to add, when pregnant or nursing, women will want to be more cautious about what they put on their skin, necessitating the use of natural skincare and safe products now more than before. At Mahimo, we all know about your skin’s condition while you are pregnant. For that, we have gathered up an excellent guide for you and your baby in a form of a pregnancy safe skin care routine.

Pregnancy Safe Skin Care Routine


What skincare should I use during pregnancy?

Itchy Skin Instead, try using natural products such as aloe vera gel, almond oil, and coconut oil to keep your skin soft, supple, and nourished during pregnancy. For temporary relief, you could also use calamine lotion or place something cool, such as slices of cucumber, on the affected areas.

Can I use skin care products while pregnant?

Skin Care Products That Are Safe During Pregnancy Gentle, fragrance-free cleansers and moisturizers. Hyaluronic acid (a moisturizer with pregnancy-safe anti-aging properties) Benzoyl Peroxide (safe in limited amounts, but it is recommended to check with your dermatologist first before using)

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Cybele Fishman says that pregnant women can use “topical erythromycin (prescription) and all over-the-counter topical sulfur, zinc, and niacinamide treatments.” From the latter category of over-the-counter products, Fishman recommends the sulfur-based acne medication, Acnomel, as well as The Ordinary's niacinamide and ...

Can I use CeraVe while pregnant?

For Dr. Nava Greenfield of Schweiger Dermatology Group in Brooklyn, moisturizers that are not anti-aging, which she says would likely contain an acid, are fine to use during pregnancy. She recommends Cerave moisturizer and SkinCeuticals' Triple Lipid cream, which she cautions is pricey.

Is hyaluronic acid OK during pregnancy?

Hyaluronic acid (HA), a powerhouse of an anti-ageing and hydrating skincare ingredient, is safe to use during pregnancy (hooray!). It's naturally found in our bodies and is very versatile, so it works well with all skin types, including sensitive and acne prone.