Besides medication, there are many other things you can be doing to treat your allergic rhinitis. One of the most important things is called allergen avoidance. This involves successfully staying away from the things you are allergic to. Some tips for how to avoid allergens include:

  • If you have pollen allergies, you may benefit from staying indoors during certain times of the year or avoiding freshly cut grass. You can also keep your windows closed at home and in your car to avoid airborne exposure.
  • If you have animal dander allergies, you may not want to own a pet or visit the homes of friends who have pets.
  • If you have dust mite allergies, you may want to purchase a hypoallergenic mattress cover and pillow covers for your bed. Weekly washing of your bed linens will also help decrease the level of dust mite exposure.
  • If you have mold allergies, you may benefit from staying out of places where mold commonly grows, such as basements. Molds thrive in warm, damp areas, which also includes showers and bathrooms. Keeping your bathroom well ventilated or dry (with a dehumidifier) can help keep mold levels to a minimum.

Purchasing a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter can also help protect against airborne allergens.

Another way to improve nasal symptoms is to perform nasal saline irrigation.