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Aloe vera extract for skin care | Best ways to incorporate this extract into your skincare routine


Mahlagha Homayouni


August 16, 2021


Aloe vera’s magic

Aloe vera is a common houseplant that is well-known for its skin-healing abilities. Aloe may be used to hydrate the skin of the face. A tiny quantity of aloe applied to the face on a regular basis can help treat a variety of skin problems, including acne, eczema, and sunburn. The gel can be extracted directly from an aloe plant or purchased in a packaged form from a health shop. This article discusses how to use aloe vera extract for skin care, as well as the advantages, ailments it cures, and any side effects.

Aloe vera is a popular vitamin-rich plant with healing benefits for the skin. Many skin problems, such as eczema, rosacea, and small cuts, can be treated with aloe. Aloe is a medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years to cure a variety of ailments. It’s typically safe to use aloe vera straight from the plant or in the form of a gel.

The clear gel contained in aloe leaves is used in aloe lotions, gels, and ointments. These items can be used topically to treat a variety of skin problems. Aloe is available in capsule or liquid form for internal use to enhance health and well-being. Aloe cannot be found in meals, therefore it must be used as a supplement or gel. Some types of aloe are safer to consume than others, and chronic usage is discouraged.

Aloe gel is made from the aloe plant’s leaves. It has been used to treat and soften the skin for thousands of years. Aloe has traditionally been used as a folk remedy for a variety of ailments, including constipation and skin problems. Modern research on the advantages of aloe vera is divided, with some data suggesting that it might cause cancer in experimental animals.

skin assessment

Chapter 1

Shea butter vs. Aloe vera extract for skin care

Shea Butter is an excellent all-natural moisturizer on its own. It can be much softer when used with aloe vera gel. It may be used as a moisturizing cream and/or a style product. Raw shea butter has a lot of vitamins A and E, therefore it’s strong in antioxidants and can assist with a lot of skin problems. Olein, which includes highly medicinal compounds, is abundant in East African Shea Butter.

On the other hand, aloe vera extract includes potent antioxidants known as polyphenols, which are a broad family of compounds. These polyphenols, along with a number of other chemicals found in aloe vera, aid in the inhibition of the growth of bacteria that may cause illnesses in humans. The antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic effects of aloe vera are well-known. This is one of the reasons why it may aid in the healing of wounds and the treatment of skin conditions. It is said to assist with digestion, ulcer relief, and constipation when taken internally. But, dry skin, wrinkles, blemishes, itching, uneven skin tone, stretch marks, and cellulite may all be treated and prevented using Shea Butter. Eczema, skin allergies, heat burns, insect bites, and skin cracks are just a few of the ailments that its medicinal qualities can help with.

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Chapter 2

Jojoba oil vs. Aloe vera extract for skin care

Jojoba oil may be found in a variety of face cleansers and skincare products. It contains vitamins, minerals, and other qualities that help clean up skin problems while also replenishing and smoothing your face. Jojoba oil also offers a number of positive qualities, according to science, including:

  • Wound-healing
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiviral
  • Antibacterial
  • Moisturizing

Apply a tiny quantity of jojoba oil on a makeup sponge or napkin and gently wipe away your makeup. Because leaving makeup on your face, even while sleeping, might cause breakouts, it’s crucial to remove it before going to bed. So, Jojoba oil may be used a makeup remover.

Let’s back to our main subject which was how great is aloe vera extract for skin care. In fact, using aloe vera extract has multiple benefits fro skin.

Perks of using fresh aloe vera extract for skin care

It is anti-inflammatory and includes antioxidants, enzymes, Vitamins A and C. It can aid in the treatment of burns, acne, and dry skin. According to experts, Aloe Vera works better on superficial surface acne rather than cystic or deeper acne when it comes to acne. Although Aloe Vera can help hydrate the skin, it can also dry it out if applied excessively, according to experts. They claim that the plant’s enzymes function as an exfoliant, and that if you exfoliate your skin too much, it will become oily or dry, depending on your skin type.

Aloe Vera may also be used to treat dandruff in the hair by massaging it into the hair and scalp. The ideal approach to utilize Aloe Vera, according to experts, is to gently cut apart a plant’s leaf, scoop out the gel-like insides, and apply to the afflicted region. If you don’t have access to a plant, an expert claims that Aloe-based products would suffice. Although utilizing a fresh plant is preferable, using aloe-based products has the advantage of generally including other components that will aid with the problem you are seeking to solve.

Chapter 3

How to grow aloe vera to use its leaves for skin care

Aloe vera plants (Aloe barbadensis) have been cultivated for thousands of years. It is one among the world’s most extensively used medicinal herbs. If you’re thinking, “How can I grow an aloe plant,” we are here to inform you that it is simple to care for an aloe plant at home. Continue reading to discover more about aloe vera plant maintenance!

The first step in caring for an aloe vera plant is to recognize that it is a succulent. Succulents, like cactus, thrive in arid environments. Plant aloe vera plants in a cactus potting soil mix or ordinary potting soil supplemented with extra perlite or construction sand while growing them. Make sure the pot has lots of drainage holes as well. Standing water is not good for aloe vera plants.

One of the most crucial aspects of caring for aloe vera houseplants is ensuring that they receive adequate light. Aloe vera plants require a lot of light, therefore they perform best in windows that face south or west. Harvesting an aloe plant for gel and juice is a very straightforward process. You’ll need a mature plant that’s been around for a few years. This ensures that the active components are concentrated to a greater extent.

Plant your own aloe vera

To get the gel and extract from your aloe plant, follow these steps:

  • Remove 3-4 leaves at a time, selecting thick leaves from the plant’s outer parts.
  • Make sure the leaves are in good shape and free of mold or injury.
  • They should be cut close to the stem.
  • The majority of the helpful nutrients are concentrated in the leaf’s base.
  • Avoid the roots.
  • The leaves should be washed and dried.
  • With a knife, trim the thorny edges.
  • Separate the inner gel from the exterior of the leaf using a knife or your fingertips.
  • The component of the aloe you wll utilize is the inner gel.
  • Allow the yellow sap from the leaf to drain, that is the latex of the aloe vera plant. You can capture the latex in a container if you plan to utilize it. You can get rid of the latex if you aren’t going to utilize it.
  • Make slices or cubes out of the aloe gel.

After removing the aloe from the external section of the leaf, mix the aloe and filter the material to eliminate the pulp if you want a smooth aloe gel.

How to use fresh aloe extract for skin care

You may use fresh aloe gel straight to your skin or prepare a DIY beauty product by following a recipe. Food, smoothies, and beverages may all benefit from it. Use 1 cup of liquid for every 2 teaspoons of aloe gel to produce aloe juice. Use a blender or food processor to blend in any additional ingredients, such as fruit.

Fresh slices of aloe gel may be kept in the refrigerator for a few days, but it’s better to use them as soon as possible. If you don’t plan on using aloe vera gel right away, you may always keep it in the freezer.

All the things that aloe vera extract for skin care may do for skin

At least for some diseases, research backs up the historic usage of topical aloe vera as a skin care. Aloe vera extract for skin care has been found to be useful in the treatment of a variety of skin problems, including:

  • Psoriasis
  • Minor burns
  • Seborrhea
  • Dandruff
  • Skin abrasions
  • Skin injured by radiation
  • Herpes sores
  • Acne
  • Anal fissures

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Chapter 4

Psoriasis and aloe vera extract

Aloe vera extract is obtained from the leaves of this plant. Many believe that if you use this gel on skin irritated by sunburn, it can help relieve and treat pain. Aloe vera also has many antibacterial properties. Due to its ability to relieve pain, this plant can be a complementary treatment for psoriasis.

Psoriasis is caused by problems with the immune system that cause extra cells to form on the skin that are associated with inflammation and scaling. About 30% of people with the skin symptoms of psoriasis develop arthritis, which is accompanied by pain and swelling in the joints. It is possible to treat skin blemishes with aloe vera.

There is currently no definitive cure for it, however there are options that can help relieve its symptoms. Some people believe that aloe vera can be effective as a supplement to skin and psoriasis problems.

Pros of aloe vera extract with psoriasis

For some people, aloe vera may help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. Using this plant as a moisturizer on the skin will keep it moisturized and reduce skin problems. A 2010 experiment obtained a steroid cream that combined aloe vera with 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide which plays an important role in the treatment of psoriasis. Experience with this ointment has shown that aloe vera extract is very effective in improving the symptoms of mild to moderate psoriasis. However, there is insufficient scientific evidence to suggest that aloe vera is quite effective.

However, the risks are so small that it may be worth using as a complementary treatment for psoriasis. If you want to buy a ready-made gel, it is better to try options that contain at least 0.5% pure aloe. To use this plant in the treatment of skin diseases, apply your cream with gel on the affected area of ​​the skin. You may need to do this several times a day for several weeks to see the differences.

Sometimes excessive use of aloe vera gel may cause more redness and discomfort in the affected area. In this case, let your skin rest for a few weeks. Remember that aloe vera oral pills can not be effective in treating psoriasis. This type of treatment is dangerous because it can cause kidney and digestive problems.

The role of aloe vera extract in the treatment of psoriasis

A person with this disease may see painful and uncomfortable spots on his or her inflamed skin. Sometimes these spots are cracked and cause bleeding. A person with psoriatic arthritis usually has swollen, stiff, and painful joints. The symptoms of psoriasis come and go and are not constantly present on the skin. Sometimes the symptoms flare up and get worse, and sometimes they get better.

Aloe vera is a plant that contains a gel-like substance inside its leaves. This plant has an effective role in traditional medicine and people used it thousands of years ago to treat a wide range of their diseases.

Some research has shown that the compounds in this plant can reduce inflammation and help regulate the immune system. These elements help aloe vera to soothe the skin, reduce inflammation and treat it. Some of the effects of this plant in the treatment of skin diseases include the following:

  • Aloe vera affects the growth of skin cells and accelerates wound healing. If a person with psoriasis has cracked skin plaques and is bleeding, aloe vera with its healing properties can help reduce these problems.
  • Aloe vera extract may theoretically reduce inflammation and act as a supplement in the treatment of skin symptoms and joint pain in psoriasis.
  • Aloe vera gel may help improve skin hydration, although you need to use enough of it. This is because overuse may reduce hydration. Moisturizing the skin prevents it from cracking, so aloe vera is sometimes effective in this, so you can use such a plant instead of moisturizer.

Chapter 5

Minor burns treatment with aloe vera extract

Burns are unpleasant, whether you burn your hand on a pan of cookies, spend too much time in the sun, or spill hot coffee on your lap. Burns are unfortunately one of the most prevalent injuries in the home. The degree of burns is classified. Because it only affects the outer layer of skin, a first-degree burn is considered the least serious.

It generally produces relatively little discomfort, redness, and swelling. Blisters and white, moist, and glossy skin are symptoms of second-degree burns, which affect deeper layers of the skin. Burns of the third-degree cause damage to all layers of the skin, while fourth-degree burns can cause damage to the joints and bones.

Twenty-seven individuals with partial thickness burn wounds were treated with aloe vera gel vs vaseline gauze in a research. It was discovered that the aloe vera gel-treated lesion healed more quickly than the vaseline gauze-treated region. The aloe gel-treated wound took 11 days to heal, whereas the vaseline gauze-treated wound took 18 days. Early epithelialization was seen in the treated aloe vera gel region in a histologic investigation. In the 27 instances, only minor side effects such as soreness and pain were reported.

Minor, first-degree, and second-degree burns can all be treated with aloe vera. You’ll need to clean your burn wound and determine its severity before you can apply aloe vera. You can next apply the aloe if you have a slight burn. Serious burns, burns that may be infected, and burns that don’t heal should all be treated by a doctor.

How to use aloe vera extract for minor burns

After the wound has cooled, it must be cleaned. Rub a bar of soap between your palms. Rub the soap gently over the burnt area to clean it. To get rid of the soap suds, rinse the area with cold water. Using a towel, pat dry.

You can acquire fresh aloe from an aloe plant if you have one in your house or near where your burn happened. Remove a few meaty aloe vera leaves from the bottom of the plant. To avoid being pricked, cut off any spines on the leaves. Score the insides of the leaves with your knife after cutting them in half down the centre. The aloe will be released from the leaves as a result of this. Arrange the aloe on a plate.

Take some aloe from the plant or a good amount of the gel and rub it into your hands. Gently massage it into the burnt area, being careful not to scrape or press too hard. Repeat a couple of times a day until the burn is no longer bothersome.

If your wound is in a position where it could get rubbed against or injured without a protective covering, you only need to cover it after the aloe vera has been administered. Use a clean bandage or gauze in this situation that will not leave any residue when removed.

You may also take an aloe vera bath as an alternative to merely applying aloe vera gel. Boil a few aloe leaves in water if you have one.

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Chapter 6

Aloe vera extract’s magic for Seborrhea dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disease that mainly affects the scalp. The disease causes scaly spots, redness of the skin and dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect oily parts of the body such as the face, parts of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest.

Seborrheic dermatitis is also called dandruff eczema, seborrheic eczema and seborrheic psoriasis. Among infants, this condition is known as cradle cap and will cause scaling of the affected person’s head.

Seborrheic eczema is a long-term skin condition that will require ongoing treatment if it does not improve on its own. However, taking care of the skin and limiting stimuli can greatly help control the disease and reduce its symptoms.

While tea tree oil penetrates your hair follicles and kills fungal infections, on the other hand, aloe vera relieves itching and skin irritations. This combination also helps maintain the scalp pH balance. How to prepare and use this combination is as follows:

  • Remove two tablespoons of fresh aloe vera extract from the leaves.
  • Mix aloe vera gel and six to ten drops of tea tree oil well.
  • Apply the resulting mixture on your scalp and let it stay on your skin for fifteen minutes.
  • Repeat this process two to three times a week.
  • If you apply this oil with your hands, be careful not to put your hand soaked in this oil on your eyes, tea tree oil is only suitable for topical use.

Chapter 7

Aloe vera extract’s magic for Seborrhea dermatitis

Dandruff occurs when the scalp layer is replaced with a new layer. This is one of the most common problems that almost everyone faces. Excessive dandruff causes premature hair loss. To combat it, you can use natural ingredients, the best of which is aloe vera extract. The healing properties of aloe vera nourish the scalp and hydrate it. Here are some ways to use aloe vera to reduce dandruff and other scalp-related problems.

Aloe vera gel is one of the best medicines to treat dandruff. Its healing properties are very effective in treating dandruff. Just take the extract from its leaves and apply it to your head and wash it the next day.

Combine aloe vera gel with camphor to treat dandruff

Camphor cools the scalp and kills existing germs that cause infections. Aloe vera relieves dry scalp. Mix half a tablespoon of camphor powder with three tablespoons of gel. Apply this potion on your scalp and wash off after a few hours.

Combine aloe vera with lemon juice to treat dandruff

The acidic nature of lemons can kill dandruff-causing fungi. Lowering the pH also makes the hair shiny. Combined with aloe vera gel, it quickly eliminates dandruff. Mix three tablespoons of aloe vera gel with two tablespoons of lemon juice and apply to hair and wash after 20 minutes.

Combine aloe vera extract with neem oil to eliminate dandruff

This oil solves the problem of scaling of the scalp and completely eliminates fungal infections of the scalp and largely eliminates itching of the scalp. Mix three tablespoons of aloe vera gel with 10 drops of neem oil, apply on the scalp and after a few hours, wash your hair.

Aloe vera extract for skin care and eliminating skin abrasions

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that has been utilised in numerous nations since 1500 BC, including Greece, China, and Mexico. It’s also been used as a traditional remedy for a variety of illnesses and skin blemishes for ages.

Aloe vera is a plant that is native to Madagascar, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. It is a herbaceous and perennial plant with thick, meaty, and long leaves that belongs to the Liliaceae family. It is similar to Cactus and is a herbaceous and perennial plant with thick, fleshy, and long leaves. Aloe vera was utilised by Egyptian princesses Nefertiti and Cleopatra as part of their daily beautification routine.

Aloe vera has been shown to contain 75 different components, including 20 minerals, 20 amino acids, vitamins, and water. Lucomannan enhances the activation and proliferation of fibroblast growth factor receptors, resulting in an increase in collagen synthesis. Aloe vera gel might not only increase the amount of collagen in abrasions and wounds, but it can also modify the collagen’s composition, boost collagen cross-linking, and so promote wound healing. Because the gel is 99 percent water, it has been proved in 11 scientific tests to enhance skin elasticity and minimise fragility.

Aloe vera and its components have characteristics that can help to maintain skin hydration and integrity. Because it includes mucopolysaccharides, amino acids, zinc, and water, it also helps to prevent skin ulcers. Aloe vera is far more effective and less expensive than currently available alternative therapies in terms of wound healing quality and speed. The use of Aloe vera to enhance wound healing is advised as a supplementary treatment with other treatments, given the tendency to promote traditional medicine as well as the uncommon adverse effects of this medicinal plant.

Get rid of your herpes sores with aloe vera extract benefits for skin care

Rapid treatment of herpes with aloe vera. Aloe vera is an antiseptic that helps control fungi, bacteria and viruses. Herpes is a viral disease that causes blister-like sores around the lips. These sores usually go away after two weeks, but taking aloe vera gel may speed up the healing process. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends moisturizing creams containing aloe vera to relieve sunburn.

Of course, it is worth mentioning; Aloe vera gels can not be a substitute for sunscreen. According to this report, consuming aloe vera in some cases also has possible harms. One of the disadvantages is that aloe vera gel is safe for external use, but in rare cases may cause allergic reactions. Also, breastfeeding or pregnant women should not use this substance, as it may cause uterine contractions and provoke miscarriage. On the other hand, prolonged and chronic consumption of aloe juice can cause potassium deficiency.

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Chapter 8

Aloe vera extract for skin care and to treat acne, blackheads, etc

Aloe vera is a plant in the succulent family. This plant grows wild and has thick and juicy leaves. The clear gel inside aloe vera is used topically to heal burnt or damaged skin, and some people use aloe vera to treat acne and blackheads. The properties of aloe vera are many. It is possible that the antibiotic properties of this plant make aloe vera effective in treating acne. A traditional school believes that eating aloe vera can also help hydrate and heal the skin, but there is not enough evidence to support this claim.

The benefits of aloe vera extract for skin care can go beyond soothing inflamed skin. Some research has shown that aloe vera can increase the effectiveness of acne medications. In a 2014 study, researchers compared two groups of people: one group used topical tretinoin and aloe vera gel, and the other group used tretinoin and placebo. The group treated with tretinoin and aloe vera showed less redness and pimples than those treated with tretinoin alone.

Aloe vera also has antibacterial properties. Since acne is partly caused by a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes, it is believed that aloe vera can play a role in reducing this bacterium. This has not been proven and aloe vera may not have an effect on this bacterium.

Aloe vera extract for skin care and beauty

Here are some of the many advantages of aloe vera extract for skin beauty, as well as how to include it into your skincare and haircare routine.

Fights against stretch marks

You may apply aloe vera gel on your skin to get rid of your unattractive stretch marks. It will not entirely eliminate the scars, but it will help to hide them by repairing skin damage and restoring suppleness. Combine equal parts aloe vera gel and rose water collected from the plant. For a few minutes, gently massage this into your stretch marks in circular motions. Rinse with cold water after 20 minutes and wipe dry with a clean towel. To achieve visible effects, use this pack twice a day.

Lights the dark lips

Instead of using a lip moisturizer, use aloe vera gel to your lips to brighten them and make them smooth and silky. Aloe vera exfoliates your lips and removes dead skin cell buildup, leaving them soft and smooth. To prepare an aloe vera gel pack for your lips, combine 1 tablespoon coarsely powdered rice with a small amount of aloe vera gel to produce a paste that isn’t too runny.

Rejuvenates skin

Aloe vera gel has a high antioxidant content that stimulates skin regeneration, which helps to prevent symptoms of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. One teaspoon of aloe vera gel, one teaspoon of crushed oatmeal, and half teaspoon of olive oil may be blended together to produce an exfoliating aloe vera gel mask. This face mask should be applied to the entire face and neck area. Scrub off the mask and rinse with cold water after 30 minutes, using moist hands. For best results, use this mask once a week.

Chapter 9

Some natural masks via aloe vera extract for skin care

We know that aloe vera has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. This plant has been used for centuries to heal wounds, relieve pain, and burn ointments. Most people are not allergic to aloe vera and topical use has a very low risk.

Using pure aloe vera and rubbing it on the face as a cleanser enhances blood flow to the skin and kills harmful bacteria. You can leave the aloe vera on the skin overnight and wash it off in the morning. This will reduce the inflammation and redness of the boil.

Aloe vera, honey, and cinnamon mask

One of the types of anti-swelling masks is aloe vera, honey, and cinnamon. Aloe vera has antibacterial properties that help reduce the bacteria that cause pimples. According to research on the benefits of honey and the properties of cinnamon, these two substances have the same effect. By mixing all three of these and using it as a homemade mask, you can increase your chances of having healthy, acne-free skin.


Mix two tablespoons of pure honey with one tablespoon of aloe vera. The mixture should be well spreadable, but not too loose. Add a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to the mixture and immediately apply the mask on the face. Leave on for five to ten minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Aloe vera and lemon juice mask

Aloe vera mask and sour lemon juice not only strengthens and refreshes your skin, but also cleanses the pores of the skin and kills some of the bacteria that cause acne. Clinical studies have shown that the acids in fruits, such as the acids in lemon juice, are effective cleansers for treating acne.


To prepare this mask, use two tablespoons of fresh aloe vera as a base and add a quarter of a teaspoon of lemon juice. If you need more of this mask to cover your entire face, be sure to maintain an 8: 1 ratio of aloe vera to lemon juice so that your skin is not damaged by the acidic properties of lemon juice. Let the mask stay on your face for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash it off thoroughly.

Spray aloe vera extract for skin care

Aloe vera promotes healthy growth of skin cells, so it is worthwhile to use an aloe vera cleansing spray to protect your skin. This spray hydrates your facial skin without brightening the skin or producing too much oil that clogs the pores.


In a 60 ml spray container, mix 11 units of pure water with 2 units of aloe vera and add one to two drops of the desired oil. Now you have a cooling and anti-pimple spray. When using, be careful that the mixture does not come into contact with your eyes and shake the mixture well each time before use.

Aloe vera extract, sugar, and coconut oil mask for skin care

If you are interested in natural remedies for pimples, a good choice is to mix aloe vera with coconut oil and sugar to get a homemade exfoliator. By exfoliating the skin, you remove dead cells that block the pores of your skin. Raw sugar or white sugar can gently remove these cells, paving the way for aloe vera to penetrate the skin and stimulate the growth of healthy cells. Coconut oil, in addition to having its own antibacterial properties, acts as a natural emulsifier. The main fatty acid in coconut oil has been studied and is known to be a good treatment for pimples. The mixture of all three makes the skin smooth and fresh.


Use coconut oil as a base. Add half a cup of raw or white sugar to half a cup of coconut oil, mix well and then add a quarter of a cup of aloe vera gel. This exfoliating mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. When using, rub the mixture gently on the skin so that it does not enter your eyes. After use, wash face thoroughly with water.

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Chapter 10

Side effects and cautions about aloe vera extract for skin care as a conclusion

This article was about how to use aloe vera extract for skin care, as well as the advantages, ailments it cures, and any side effects.

The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate aloe vera products, despite the fact that it is regarded safe in topical form when used as prescribed. This implies that it is up to you, the consumer, to use aloe vera safely and to notify your doctor if you have any bad skin responses.

As the aloe vera begins to act in your skin, some individuals may experience itching or minor burning. If you have a rash or hives after using the gel, you may have a sensitivity to it and should stop using it right once. On infected skin, avoid using aloe vera gel. While the gel has antimicrobial qualities, its protective coating might obstruct healing and worsen an infection.

Aloe vera extract for skin care


Is aloe vera extract good for face?

Using aloe vera on the face can help moisturize skin. Regularly applying a small amount of aloe vera to the face can help treat various skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and sunburn. A person can use the gel directly from an aloe vera plant or buy a bottled variety from a health store.

Is aloe vera good for your face everyday?

Is Aloe Vera good for face? Aloe Vera contains enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins A and C which can treat burns, acne, dry skin and many other skin issues. It is highly inflammatory too. With all these benefits, Aloe Vera is definitely good for face.

What is aloe vera extract good for?

These polyphenols, along with several other compounds in aloe vera, help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections in humans. Aloe vera is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. This is part of why it may help heal wounds and treat skin problems.

Can aloe vera lighten skin?

Aloe vera contains aloin, a natural depigmenting compound that has been shown to lighten skin and work effectively as a nontoxic hyperpigmentation treatment, according to a 2012 study. To use: ... Repeat daily until your skin color improves.

Can aloe vera remove scars?

Aloe gel acts as a natural astringent. It removes dead cells and excess oil to clear the skin. Those antioxidants in Aloe Vera also work to fight free acne radicals, repair damaged skin, and diminish scar formation. The vitamins and minerals in Aloe Vera work to help lighten scars on the skin.

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